How does jHiccup help developers?
While jHiccup does not measure application response times, application response time will inevitably include any stall times observed at the runtime platform level.
jHiccup data and Hiccup Charts can quickly identify whether application responsiveness issues are dominated by application code or by the underlying runtime platform's behavior:
If application response time behavior does not correlate with jHiccup data and Hiccup Charts, the application code and/or external resources are most likely the dominant factor, and runtime tuning and improvements in the area of stalls and responsiveness are unlikely to result in improved application response behavior.
While jHiccup does not in itself attempt to identify the causes of these stalls, they strongly correlate in time with Garbage Collection events logged during the run. The smaller and more frequent events are related to young generation GC pauses, while the larger event correlates to an old generation, stop-the-world Full GC event in the logs.
General observations across various application types lead us to the following cause groupings:
Stalls at handful-of-msec level, and all the way up to the mid-tens of milliseconds can be caused by scheduling issues and momentary load sharing pressure (as demonstrated by the Idle App Hiccup Charts). Such stalls tend to be spread over time but rarely show a clean period nature.
For and example, having a look in above Hiccup Charts it is clear (for example) that 99% of those responses must have taken at least 350-400msec, as the application platform as a whole was stalled for periods of that length at those percentile.
How to run?
1) Download jHiccup and unzip it
2) Read README file as per your need OR exicute as following if you want to check Hiccup in your app server
#jHiccup ~/bin/tomcat-startup
3) jHiccups will generate two logs namly "hiccup.*.hgrm" and "hiccup.*"4) Open jHiccupPlotter
Click on "Developer" --> "Code" --> click on "Macro security"
Select "Enable all macros"
If "Developper" tab is not being shown, click on "Office Button"--> click on "Excel option" --> select "Show Developer Tab in Ribon"
That's it!!