Saturday, November 23, 2019

Using gRPC Client in CI/CD Pipeline

To expedite delivery almost every project has merged their Development and Operational activities under a common pipeline. The philosophy has been implemented in different way by keeping DevOps principles intact across the globe. Simplicity and Security is one of the most important aspect of DevOps Principals. It reduces operational overhead and improves Return of Investment.

Keeping that in mind I preferred to use GitLab which provides everything that is essentials for DevOps lifecycle. Every commit gets tested rigorously, then Build image and deploy in Docker Swarm or in Kubernetes cluster. GitLab delivers every feature very quickly to the end-user.There are various ways to achieve that. Continuous deployment usually gets configured through webhooks. A common pattern is to run http server locally that listens incoming HTTP requests from repository and triggers specific deployment command on every push.

Instead of using BaseHTTPRequestHandler to listen incoming request I used gRPC to call function defined in server side. gRPC claims 7 times faster that REST when receiving data & roughly 10 times faster than REST when sending data for a specific payload.It has many other advantages, like

·         Easy to understand.
·         Loose coupling between clients/server makes changes easy.
·         Low latency, highly scale-able, distributed systems.
·         language independent.

Enough talking, lets jump into the actual implementation.
The design is very simple,
  •         Run a gRPC server inside the controller system. 
  •        Write a simple bash/shell script comprising specific deployment command  
  •        Run gRPC client in pipeline on every push

Let’s define a hook, the actual method that will be called remotely by gRPC client.

My gRPC hook:

gRPC uses Protocol Buffers as the interface description language, and provides features such as authentication, bidirectional streaming and flow control,blocking or non blocking bindings, and cancellation and timeouts.Protocol Buffers is the default serialization format for sending data between clients and servers.
Lets define a protobuff :

Using above description grps_tools will generate two classes and Run the following command and generate gRPC classes.

$ python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I. --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. glb_hook.proto

Along with simplicity we must consider security. Therefore, generate self-signed certificate.

$ openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyoutserver.key -x509 -days 365 -out server.crt

For more details visit gRPC documentation page and generate Server & client code.

Create deployment script and put that in same directory where gRPC server run

Configure client inside CI/CD to call deployment script remotely on every push. Once pipeline is ready, start server 

$ nohup python &

At this point, every commit and push into the repository, pipeline will execute jobs.

Once client calls the function (that is defined inside the server) with a valid string value (command), a new process will be opened at server side, which is in this case, the script If we have a look in to the server, we found Docker command pulling latest image and executing them in detach mode on a specific port. Once deployment is done, hit the URL and we'll see the change.

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